Selasa, 07 Maret 2017

Final Destination 5 2011 Online Teljes Mese

Final Destination 5 2011 Online Teljes Mese

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Final Destination 5


Final Destination 5 2011


167 jegyzőkönyvet vesz fel




DTS 720p


Horror, Mystery


English, 广州话 / 廣州話


Josiane, Hodges O. Zimal, Callum M. Céleste

Final Destination 5 2011 Online Teljes Mese


Coordination art Department : Maryim Leaya

Stunt coordinator : Gilda Beya

Script layout :Cuoco Lunasha

Pictures : Isabel Avaiah
Co-Produzent : Aliyah Altin

Executive producer : Inza Sanusi

Director of supervisory art : Khali Chassé

Produce : Hester Natsuki

Manufacturer : Hodges Zunair

Actress : Dalle Athul

In this fifth installment, Death is just as omnipresent as ever, and is unleashed after one man’s premonition saves a group of coworkers from a terrifying suspension bridge collapse. But this group of unsuspecting souls was never supposed to survive, and, in a terrifying race against time, the ill-fated group frantically tries to discover a way to escape Death’s sinister agenda.


Film kurz

Spent : $427,036,732

Revenue : $877,185,253

Group : Reiche Vize-Regierung - Stumm , Erotik - Werbung , menschliches Wesen - Césarisé , Dialog - Wild Mountain Epidemic

Production Country : Mauretanien

Production : MoMedia International

Final Destination 5 2011 Online Teljes Mese

Final Destination 5"

Final Destination 5 online filmek

You spin me right round baby right round like a record baby.

Hee, no surprise to find great division among horror fanatics, whatever the film or franchise, hot debate - even furious anger - can be found. FD5 has unsurprisingly garnered mixed reactions, but even allowing for the fact that as an idea it's a series that can't get better, part 5 is a considerable step up from the very poor part 4. It also boasts a neat trick of the tail, where some ingenuity is used to bring the series full circle, with a glint in the eye and a bloody tongue in the cheek.

Once again the opening and closing credit sequences are superb, doffing its cap to what is undoubtedly a very popular horror franchise. The disaster that underpins the formula is one of the best to be staged, a mighty bridge collapse that terrifies and thrills in equal measure. Then of course it's same old same old, which you would think anyone venturing into watch would expect anyway. Acting is as usual mixed, but the deaths are up to the ingenious standard set throughout all the other films, and then a narrative twist at the finale arrives to seal the deal for a rollicking good time. We even get a welcome return of Tony Todd - Bonus! If it proves to be the final Final Destination then it's a fitting closure, because there is thought here. Anyone taking on another will have to come up with a whole new idea to appease the horror hordes.

Enough Now. 7.5/10
***One of the best of the franchise, if not THE best***

The first "Final Destination" movie in 2000 was a rather innovative 'Dead Teenager Movie' in that the killer was Death itself, an invisible spirit. A group of people, mostly youths, escape a great tragedy due to a premonition of one of them and the rest of the movie involves the Grim Reaper systematically slaying the kids who cheated Death in various creative ways, usually an unlikely chain of events. The opening tragedy in the first film was a plane crash, in the second a highway pile-up, in the third a rollercoaster mishap, in the fourth a racetrack calamity. In this fifth and most recent film (2011) it’s a spectacular bridge collapse and it’s probably the best opening tragedy of the franchise.

All of the movies in the series tell the same basic story with different characters and minor nuances; all of them are of the same high quality of technical filmmaking. Whether you prefer one or another depends on your preference for cast members and the death sequences (and the locations). Other than these factors they're all basically the same.

"Final Destination 5" features Nicholas D'Agosto as the main protagonist with Emma Bell as his blonde girlfriend. Tom Cruise lookalike, Miles Fisher, is also on hand while Ellen Wroe plays the gymnast. Meanwhile Tony Todd returns as the creepy coroner who seems to know more about the situation than he should.

While it’s true that you know exactly how this film will play out if you've seen the first four installments, or any of them, there are some highlights beyond the females. For one, this movie has a superb score and soundtrack, at least on par with the previous installment. Aside from featuring the most thrilling opening tragedy, there are several creative death scenes involving a gymnast accident, an Asian spa, eye surgery, a factory mishap and a restaurant altercation. This entry also throws in a unique twist that I’m not going to give away (but if you’ve seen the trailer you already know what it is). There’s an additional surprise at the end, which nicely wraps up the five-movie franchise.

The film runs 92 minutes and, like the first three films, was shot in the Vancouver area (the fourth film was shot in the East).


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